Rev. Vicki Burtson

Pastor | [email protected]

Rev. Vicki Burtson is an authorized minister with over 32 years of experience in varied settings of ministry. Baptized in the UCC, she grew up in the United Methodist Church, but eventually returned to the United Church of Christ.  Vicki is a graduate of Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, PA (Bachelor of Music Education) and Drew Theological School in Madison, NJ (Master of Divinity).

Vicki was a high school choral director for five years, and then a clergyperson in ministry settings that included local churches, camping and retreat ministries, Conference administrative ministry and campus ministry. Her call to serve the Homer Congregational UCC began in February of 2017 and she enjoys relating to people of all ages and in all stages of life. Her passions in ministry include creative and vibrant worship and enabling people in the congregation to use their gifts for ministry. Vicki is excited to serve this family of faith where thoughtful and compassionate people are committed to sharing resources and building bridges to welcome all people.

Vicki lives with her wife, Belinda, and together they enjoy music, theater, traveling and the birds & seasons of upstate New York.


Gary Harrington


Gary Harrington takes care of church facilities, inside and out. If it has to be moved, cleaned, set up, re-arranged, spruced up, or otherwise maintained, Gary is the person to see.



Anne Wingard

Office Administrator |  [email protected]

Anne is the person you are most likely to speak to if you call or visit the church during normal business hours. She has a multitude of responsibilities and is a resource for just about any question on the church’s schedule, policies, and procedures.



Joe Ford

Director of Music

Joe Ford is our Director of Music. He directs our choir of 8-16 singers who provide inspiring music for our 10:30 a.m. worship each week from September to June. Joe also works with soloists and small ensembles to provide a wide range of special music. Joe is a talented instrumentalist in his own right, holding a master’s Degree in Music Performance, Saxophone, from Ithaca College. Joe also coordinates the other musical groups of the church, supporting and helping schedule the occasional children’s choir, children’s bell choir, and adult bell choir.


Alexandria Faulkenbury

Director of Children’s Ministry

Alexandria Faulkenbury is our director of children’s ministry. She helps to lead Faith Formation class each Sunday morning and offers a children’s message during the worship service each week. She also coordinates the many wonderful volunteers who staff our Faith Formation classrooms and nursery. Alexandria holds a bachelor’s degree in intercultural studies and a master’s degree in literature. Alexandria lives with her husband and two rambunctious kiddos, who supply endless inspiration for seeing God in new ways.


Stefanie Fellows

Director of Youth Ministry

Stefanie Fellows is our director of youth ministry. She helps lead youth group by organizing times to gather for discussion and fun activities. The goal is to encourage and guide youth as they grow in their faith and further discover themselves. She has many years of involvement working with children and teens in various capacities. Her experience includes time as a camp counselor, past involvement in Christian education programs, and her work as a school based counselor.